
Few questions about 7.4

    • gorski wrote:

      How about sharing it - the installation and scripts, that is?
      First put in terminal or Putty :

      opkg install transmission

      Then after installation remove (or keep) autostart function after every device restart :

      /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon disable

      Config file is located /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon and by editing this file You can find the login/password and port for connection (You can modify as You like).

      By default is :

      Then You should create .sh script with 755 permission (or use terminal as well) for start and stop Transmission :

      /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start and /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop

      Then copy this file to /usr/script/

      You can execute scripts from File Manager > /usr/scripts > choose and press OK > confirm that you want to "Run it as a script" and it will run.
      Or assign to some key on remote.

      Enjoy ;)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by bauciu ().

    • I followed the author's Telnet commands to install the plugin.

      And then I found curious things about it:

      1) after the installation (which was fine) in Plugins > red button > one can't see the "Transmission" as an installed plugin and therefore one can't remove it using the remote controller.

      2) If one removes the whole plugin folder via FTP, then when one tries installing it again via Telnet commands - one can't install it the second time because E2 sees it as if it is still (fully) installed on root. That is irregular, too!

      3) One would have to unistall it, then, I presume, by an equally powerful/capable Telnet command, not by FTP, which would remove all traces of the plugin from the "root register" - and that shouldn't be like that.

      4) In Transmission itself one can stop/start the plugin or server, if this is what we are talking about. Don't those functions work? And if they don't - isn't that a big bug, since the functioning of the plugin depends on them?

      Right now I am at a loss with this plugin. I hope it didn't overwrite various important parts of the system...

      However, the conclusion that I have reached is that there are many things that need improvement with this plugin...

      It should have been simple and straight forward to install it, one way or another and then remove it like any other plugin, plus its core functions ought to be flawless, not requiring us to creat scripts additionally etc.
      https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/kant_whatisenlightenment.pdf - I. Kant, "Political writings" (1784), the jolly text on Enlightenment, at the basis of Modernity...
    • Look, as a proof of what I said:

      Source Code

      1. opkg install transmission && opkg install transmission-client python3-transmission-rpc transmission xz


      Source Code

      1. root@zgemmah9twin:~# opkg install transmission && opkg install transmission-client python3-transmission-rpc transmission xz
      2. Package transmission (4.0.6-r0) installed in root is up to date.
      3. Package transmission-client (4.0.6-r0) installed in root is up to date.
      4. Package python3-transmission-rpc (7.0.10-r0) installed in root is up to date.
      5. Package transmission (4.0.6-r0) installed in root is up to date.
      6. Package xz (5.4.6-r0) installed in root is up to date.
      https://www.nypl.org/sites/default/files/kant_whatisenlightenment.pdf - I. Kant, "Political writings" (1784), the jolly text on Enlightenment, at the basis of Modernity...
    • Something totaly diffrent.
      What happend to samba in the latest 7.4 update?
      According to network menu samba is activated but ps -A shows its not.Checking out samba config it is totaly diffrent from before.Starting samba from via putty is ok.

      Reinstalled the image and everything is fine.
      There is still the question about the new config files.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by samot42001 ().

    • O.k., aber dann hast Du viel Arbeit vor Dir, denn die Elemente sind einzelnd aus dem Screen "infobar_def" zu löschen.

      Ich habe mal zur Erläuterung mit paar Dingen angefangen:
      1. rechts oben "CAID" u.s.w. , dafür wäre folgendes zu löschen:

      Source Code

      1. <widget source="session.CurrentService" position="1219,7" size="670,37" render="Label" font="FNCRegular; 26" halign="right" valign="center" backgroundColor="FNCMainBarColor" foregroundColor="FNCMainFontColor" transparent="1" noWrap="1">
      2. <convert type="FNCecmInfo2">Default</convert>
      3. </widget>

      2. Irdeto- und Seca-Indikator, dafür wäre folgendes zu löschen:

      Source Code

      1. <widget position="828,10" size="23,32" text="I" font="FNCRegular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="FNCmainColor" foregroundColor="FNCMainFontColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" transparent="0" valign="center" zPosition="4">
      2. <convert type="FNCcrypt">IrdCrypt</convert>
      3. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      4. </widget>
      5. <widget position="828,50" size="23,15" backgroundColor="FNCExtraColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" zPosition="4" transparent="0"><convert type="FNCcrypt">IrdEcm</convert>
      6. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      7. </widget>
      8. <eLabel position="864,10" size="23,32" text="S" font="FNCRegular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="FNCMainBarColor" foregroundColor="FNCzBackLine" transparent="1" valign="center" zPosition="3" />
      9. <widget position="864,10" size="23,32" text="S" font="FNCRegular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="FNCmainColor" foregroundColor="FNCMainFontColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" transparent="0" valign="center" zPosition="4">
      10. <convert type="FNCcrypt">SecaCrypt</convert>
      11. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      12. </widget>
      13. <widget position="864,50" size="23,15" backgroundColor="FNCExtraColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" zPosition="4" transparent="0"><convert type="FNCcrypt">SecaEcm</convert>
      14. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      15. </widget>
      Display All

      Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass im Orginal die einzelnen Abschnitte direkt hintereinander folgen (ohne Zeilenumbrüche) und somit wird es zunächst für Laien unübersichtlicht. Die Zeilenumbrüche habe ich hinzugefügt, damit es übersichtlicher wird. Bei dieser Arbeit wirst Du dann feststellen, wie auffwendig es ist, einen Skin zu erstellen und wirst mit Sicherheit den Skinner höchsten Respekt zollen. Das Ergebnis sehe dann so aus:



      Ok, but then you have a lot of work ahead of you, because the elements have to be deleted individually from the "infobar_def" screen.
      To explain, I started with a few things:
      1. top right "CAID" etc., for this the following would have to be deleted:

      Source Code

      1. <widget source="session.CurrentService" position="1219,7" size="670,37" render="Label" font="FNCRegular; 26" halign="right" valign="center" backgroundColor="FNCMainBarColor" foregroundColor="FNCMainFontColor" transparent="1" noWrap="1">
      2. <convert type="FNCecmInfo2">Default</convert>
      3. </widget>

      2. Irdeto and Seca indicator, for this the following would have to be deleted:

      Source Code

      1. <widget position="828,10" size="23,32" text="I" font="FNCRegular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="FNCmainColor" foregroundColor="FNCMainFontColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" transparent="0" valign="center" zPosition="4">
      2. <convert type="FNCcrypt">IrdCrypt</convert>
      3. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      4. </widget>
      5. <widget position="828,50" size="23,15" backgroundColor="FNCExtraColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" zPosition="4" transparent="0"><convert type="FNCcrypt">IrdEcm</convert>
      6. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      7. </widget>
      8. <eLabel position="864,10" size="23,32" text="S" font="FNCRegular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="FNCMainBarColor" foregroundColor="FNCzBackLine" transparent="1" valign="center" zPosition="3" />
      9. <widget position="864,10" size="23,32" text="S" font="FNCRegular; 24" halign="center" backgroundColor="FNCmainColor" foregroundColor="FNCMainFontColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" transparent="0" valign="center" zPosition="4">
      10. <convert type="FNCcrypt">SecaCrypt</convert>
      11. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      12. </widget>
      13. <widget position="864,50" size="23,15" backgroundColor="FNCExtraColor" source="session.CurrentService" render="FixedLabel" zPosition="4" transparent="0"><convert type="FNCcrypt">SecaEcm</convert>
      14. <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />
      15. </widget>
      Display All

      What makes it even more difficult is that in the original the individual sections follow one another directly (without part breaks), which initially makes it confusing for laypeople. I added the line breaks to make it clearer. When you do this work, you will realise, how complex it is to create a skin and you will certainly have the utmost respect for the skinner. You can see the result in the two screenshots above:

      ... Pumuckel

      Receiver: AX-HD61, Gigablue Trio 4K, Octagon SF8008m(ini), Vu+ solo se